Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Fall Happenings...

Bradley loves to rock out on Rock Band.

Bradley shows his absolute disgust for peas.

Josh was an awesome soccer player! He scored every game this year- usually 2-3 goals per game. He was very fast uses both feet- which made him pretty amazing. We never knew which foot he was going to kick with...

Josh with his medal

Zacked loved to play soccer for about the first 10 minutes. Then he was done. He was good, and would usually score right away and then decide that he had done his job and was ready to view the rest of the game from the side.

Bradley was usually very pleasant even though he sat through soccer four nights a week...

While we were in Idaho, Josh helped Grandpa Garth move cattle. He had some major skills when it came to being a cowboy...

With the cold air moving in, the boys began their coughing season. Every year is the same, they cough for weeks without other symptoms. The breathing treaments help out lots. We are just happy to be away from Florida where it was year round because of their mold allergies!

For family home evening we made carmel apples. The boys really got into it and had a great time! It is so much fun when Ryan is home to do these things with us...



Bonnie said...

Thanks for blogging! It's much nicer than just photos on Facebook. You are amazing! Pumpkin pancakes, mummy hotdogs, cute costumes -lucky grandsons!